Saturday 22 July 2017

Rhys the Toddler

The most notable milestone our household has witnessed in past couple of months would be this little tigger mastering transport of the vertical kind...
At 13months and 8 days old Rhys walked...everywhere.  At 13 months and 10 days old he ran...everywhere!  And hasn't stopped since!
While it's great to have him up off the floor finally, his new pace has taken me a bit to get used to.  His personality is also starting to really shine.  Rhys loves hats, he nearly somersaults out of my arms at the sight of a hat left unattended within his reach!
Mischief is his middle name! Nothing is safe.  He throws our toothbrushes in the toilet.  He pulls newly planted flowers straight out again.  He pulls the sprinkler out of position.  He unpacks the dishwasher onto the floor.  He pulls all the books off the bookshelf.  He smacks Lewis on the face when he falls asleep on the floor.  He chases my chickens relentlessly.  He draws on everything. 
 I really don't remember the other two being this full on! 
Oh so cheeky...but oh so adorable!

It hasn't just been Rhys doing all the mischief.  After playing outside for a while Rhys presented himself to me like this...
...there are only three people in our household that know how to draw an 'X'.  I didn't vandalize our baby.  Darryn assures me he didn't do it.  When I asked Heidi how Rhys got an 'X' on his head she replied 'Yeah, I might have done it'! 
In other news, Darryn celebrated his birthday, with a fish (shaped) cake of course.

Weaning time has been and gone...

A bit of fencing...

Lewis has developed a very strong love of guns.  He wants to 'shoot' everything.  He carries his toy gun with him everywhere.  He reads gun magazines.  Sometimes Darryn lets him touch a real gun, which is by far the highlight of his day, week, month!  He is developing a great appreciation for guns and I fear in the years to come that no pest animal will be safe on Neerim!

It of course hasn't been all work and mischief.  The kids enjoyed Under 8's day held at the Marlborough School.

We have been catching up with family.

Darryn and I enjoyed a day at the Races.

Well you are now up-to-date with 'Life At Neerim'.